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/ Aminet 50 / Aminet 50 (2002)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 2002].iso / Aminet / demo / mag / Twister1_PL.lha / Twister_1PL / HvrTwisteASciI-laSt < prev    next >
Text File  |  2002-03-30  |  6KB  |  88 lines

  2. .......                                   ............             ..
  3.   ......                                    ...°°°°°...            ..
  4.      ......_____                     ___        ___...           ......
  5.           /  _  \                   /\  \      /  /   _____       ....
  6.          /  //\  \    ___  _     _  \ \  \    /  /   / _  /___     ..
  7.         /  _____  \  /\  \/\\___/\\__\ ____  /  /___/ //_____/________   (c)
  8.        /  /____/\  \ \ \   _ \  _  \ \/ __/\/  / _ / /_/     / /  ___/  ______
  9.       /__/      \\  \ \ \  \\ \ \\  \  /_/\   / ///_____    / /__/__\ \/ ____/
  10.      /__/        \\  \ \ \__\\_\_____\/   \\_/ __/_____/   / ____/_ \\  /___/
  11.                   \\  \____/_//_____//_____\/ /_/         / /  ___/  / /
  12.                    \\______________________/ /___________/ /  /__/__/ /
  13.                     \____________________ /__________________________/
  14.         ..                              /__________________________ /
  15.         ..           Amigowa Grupa Scenowa.......                  \\
  16.         ..                 Amigan Scene Group......        ..       \\
  17.       ......                                               ..        \\
  18.        ....                        Piszcie po Polsku       ..        //
  19.         ..                 __       Write in polish      ......     //
  20.                           /  \___                         ....     //
  21.                          /       \_                        ..     //
  22.                          |       ° \__   lub róbcie 2 wersje     //
  23.                          / _      #   \_   or make 2 version    //
  24.                         /  |\¡--_-_  ## \                      //
  25.                        /  /        \  #  \                    //
  26.                       /  /          \     \                  //
  27.                      /  /            \  # ]                  \\
  28.                     ]  /              \    \                 //
  29.                    /  /                \   ]                 \\
  30.                    [ /                  \  ]                  \\
  31.                    //                    \ ]                   \\
  32.           _  _   __/ ___  _     _ ____  ____\_____ ____  ___   //
  33.          |]  [| /  \ [  \ []   [] [ _]  [ _] [_ _] [ _]  [  \ //
  34.          |]__[|/ /\ \[ °] \\   // [ ]   _\_ \ ] [  [ ]   [ °] \\
  35.          | __ |[ __  [ \   \\ //  [ [_  [   ] ] [  [ [_  [ \  //
  36.          |]  [|[]  [][]_\   \_/   [__]  \__/  ]_[  [__]  []_\ \\
  37.                                                                \\
  38.                             AMIGA                              //
  39.                                                               //
  40.                  ...last hope for better life...             //
  41. ____________________________________________________________//
  42. ___________________________________________________________ /
  43.               Nowe ASCII z nowym magiem...                //
  44. (New ASCII witch new Mag)    Twister #1 w przygotowaniu..//
  45.   (Twister #1 in progress)      czytaj....              //
  46.      (read)                                            //         /|
  47.              wydania.....       ][                    //         / |
  48.           publish.....          \/  ___-____         //         /  |
  49.            HTML oraz Exe          //  //   /        //         /   |
  50.         HTML and Exe             //  //   /        //         /    |____________________
  51.       tylko na komputeryAmiga.  //  //   /        //         /                          |
  52.    only on Amiga computer      //_-__--_/        //         /                           /
  53. ________________________________________________//         /                           /
  54. _________________________________________________\         \        __________________/
  55.                                                  \\         \______|
  56.                         Ciâgle         ....       \\___       _____
  57.                             Still         .....    \___\      \    |  Strzaîka?????
  58.                   Szukamy uzdolnionych ludzi ....      \\      \   |_______
  59.                         We search new members.....      \\      \  |
  60.              Oto najôwieûsze newsy......                 \\      \ |
  61.            Here is the news ......                        \\_____ \|
  62.                                                            \____ \
  63. -->> Amper and Forest join the group                            \ \
  64. -->> Twister #0 relased (as HTML mag only in czech language)     \ \
  65. -->> Twister #1 in progress (as regular mag in polish/cz language)\ \
  66. -->> Sajko, Speedy, TommyGun, Mot left the group                   \ \_________
  67. -->> fAr, mot, uhu, explora kicked !                                \_______   \
  68. -->> crazy demo Mentos relased (mpg ok. 28MB)                               \ o \_
  69. -->> Naleczowianka - first movie !                                           \_   \
  70. -->> Milionerzy - popular game in polish and czech languages (work in progress)\ o \_
  71. -->> www.harvester.prv.pl - we invite !                                         \    \
  72. -->> www.volny.cz/hvr.amiga - Czech page !                                       \___Martwy koniec!!
  74.     - HARVESTER - 1.06.1999 -28.03.2002 - 3st year on Amiga Scene,
  76. - agaslayer...................leader, organizer, txt, swap......[Czech]
  77. - amper.......................msx...............................[Poland]
  78. - forest......................mag organisator...................[Poland]
  79. - holdys......................msx...............................[Poland]
  80. - neami.......................text-writer-eng,editor,help.......[Poland]
  81. - redrose.....................2D gfx, editor....................[Czech]
  82. - speedy......................2D gfx............................[Czech]
  83. - stefkos.....................2D gfx, coder.....................[Poland]
  84. - tommygun....................msx, editor.......................[Czech]
  85. - x-type......................leader, organizer, msx............[Poland]
  88. Stefkos___.....ow Harfezter....<<<<<<<